Contracor Mini Vacumblast (EDUCT-O-MATIC)

Alfatech Makina

Contracor Mini Vacumblast (EDUCT-O-MATIC)

Contracor Mini Vacumblast (EDUCT-O-MATIC)

Alfatech Makina

Contracor Mini Vacumblast

This model “pressure fed“ vacuum blasting machine is available in various versions, which makes it able to choose the best suitable machine for the blasting job.

This machines are used for vacuum blasting with the lighter, medium abrasives (Al2O3, garnet, olivine sand, glass beads and plastics) and especially metallic abrasives such as steel grit/shot and cast iron grit.

Area of usage:

Storage tank and heavy steel constructions, shipbuilding industry, blasting and finishing weld seams, thermal metallizing and coating processes, rubber cladding, aerospace, maintenance refineries, granite and natural stone work, concrete construction and revision, road markings and lines, polyester and fibre industry.

Matching Table
Specifications A7-100 Mini A7-200 Midi A7-300 Maxi Specifications
Capacity 1-2m² 3-4m² 4-6m² Capacity
Max. Pressure 7 Bar 7 Bar 7 Bar Max. Pressure
Rezervoir Capacity 1Lt 25Lt 40Lt Rezervoir Capacity
Vacuum Unit Dahili Dahili Dahili Vacuum Unit
Weight 5 Kg 118 Kg 300 Kg Weight